In this article you will see what an entire home can look like after roughly ten to fifteen years of neglect and the transformation with good paint on the surface. A home’s exterior requires much more attention than you think due to all the hostile weather most of Colorado receives annually. Do not fall into the trap of disregarding your home’s protection while solely focusing on the inside ceilings and walls you tend to look at more. Changing the colors on the inside of your home is usually far less important than protection for trim and siding as it stops moisture damage, rot, and unwanted leaks on the inside during winter or hail seasons. At Front Range Painters, we are your first line of defense against the elements!
Homes that have been neglected for so long are not an anomaly in the painting world. Read on and learn what to look out for before it’s too late. One cautionary note for anyone deciding on exterior colors: pink, blue, yellow, purple, and red, also known as synthetic colors will drastically reduce the lifespan of your paint job. We understand they may look amazing to the eye, but our climate does not work well with such color decisions unless you upgrade to top-of-the-line paint products. Even then, you will get color fade, peeling, cracking and other issues much, much sooner, with these color selections. A light to mid-shade of just about any color is recommended if you would like to get the most bang for your buck.
Proper maintenance in any situation is always advised, so we have arranged some quick bullet points to follow for convenience.
These are various stages of failure to look for on your home’s exterior:
Front Range Painters will work with your homeowner's insurance company if a claim is involved. Our goal is to make sure insurance adjusters don't miss damage or defects that should be covered in the claim.
We brought this wonderful home in Pinecliff back to excellent shape by:
While that is a great question it’s important to note that a home’s protection for trim and siding should never exceed the recommended timeline that a paint provides. This timeline drastically varies depending on the quality of the paint, color, weather as well as the condition of the substrate. On this particular project, however, we used the absolute best materials possible through Sherwin-Williams: Emerald Exterior Acrylic Latex and PrimeRX Peel Bonding Primer.
If you are ever unsure of your exterior painting project, call Front Range Painters and schedule a free consultation!
Let Front Range Painters become your preferred Colorado Springs home painter and give you quality results your home deserves when you need protection for trim and siding. We provide both interior and exterior painting as well as refinishing services in order to accommodate mid to large sized projects.
Locally owned, Front Range Painters enhances and protects your investment with unparalleled standards. With our expert product knowledge and workmanship guarantee, we educate our homeowners on the most appropriate products that lead to better longevity and durability of your project in the long term.
We don’t just paint, we are your paint and design solutions!