Residential Painting

Residential Painting Colorado Springs

When you hire our crew for any interior or exterior house painting project, we want you to relax. Our promise is that we'll complete the job to your full satisfaction. We'll show up on time, do the job professionally, and always honor our estimate for your project. It’s how we work, and how we've always worked.

A large empty room with hardwood floors and a kitchen.
A large house with a large porch and a sunset in the background.

Locally owned, Front Range Painters enhances and protects your investment with unparalleled standards. With our expert product knowledge and workmanship guarantee, we educate our homeowners on the most appropriate products that lead to better longevity and durability of your project.


Front Range Painters provides transparent and smooth communication between us and the homeowners. This includes daily walkthroughs with the painting crew. Our extensive project preparation combines with quality products from Sherwin-Williams® for fast and efficient workmanship to enhance your home's aesthetics and protection.

A white background with a few lines on it

Interior Residential Painting

Colorado Springs

Interior Residential Painting

Front Range Painters follows a meticulous process for your interior home painting project. 

  • Remove wall and ceiling hardware such as switch plates, blinds, curtains, etc.
  • Move furniture and cover belongings
  • Mask off any non-paintable surfaces
  • Fill nail holes and caulk cracks
  • Make minor drywall repairs
  • Apply primers where necessary
  • Apply 1-3 coats where needed per product specifications
  • Reinstall wall and ceiling hardware such as switch plates, blinds, curtains, etc.
  • Return furniture and belongings
  • Laser sharp lines

Exterior House Painting

Colorado Springs

Exterior House Painting

Front Range Painters follows a meticulous process for your exterior home painting project. 

  • Pressure wash surfaces
  • Caulk cracks and fill nail holes
  • Scrape or sand loose paint
  • Use appropriate primers
  • Mask off any non paintable surfaces
  • We spray 1-2 coats across the surfaces per product specifications
  • Hand brush and roll 1-2 coats across all trim

Stucco and Brick Exterior House Painting

Colorado Springs

Stucco and Brick Exterior House Painting

Front Range Painters follows a meticulous process for your stucco or brick painting project. 

  • Pressure wash surfaces
  • Caulk or fill holes with stucco patches or concrete filler
  • Mask off non-paintable surfaces
  • Apply 2 coats per product specifications with back rolling for stucco or brushing for brick to allow for deeper penetration of the paint and a smoother finish
  • Laser sharp lines

Wood Staining Colorado Springs

Wood Staining

Front Range Painters follows a meticulous process for your staining project. 

  • Pressure wash surfaces
  • Scrape or sand failing stain and / or medium blasting if necessary
  • Caulk or fill holes and cracks
  • Mask off non-stainable surfaces
  • Apply 1-3 coats of stain per product specifications with back rolling/brushing to allow for enhanced penetration of the stain into the substrate

Media Blasting

Front Range Painters media blasting services to prep your staining project:

  • Media blasting with eco-friendly, silica free fine or medium grit crushed glass and/or sodium bicarbonate (soda blasting)

Varnishing Colorado Springs


Front Range Painters can protect your wood while letting its natural beauty shine through.

  • Clean and wipe surfaces
  • Scuff sand
  • Clean and wipe surfaces again
  • Stain and bridge gaps
  • Apply 2-4 coats of clear per product specifications with scuff sanding and/or back brushing/rolling
  • Wipe down surfaces in between each step minimizes surface debris and produces the smoothest surface possible as if it were from the factory

How It Works

1. Contact us

Contact us by phone, email, or via the contact form.

2. Tell us your needs

Describe your project and tell us your budget. 

3. In-person consultation

We will meet with you at the project site.

4. We'll prepare a quote

We'll prepare a plan for you to review and approve. 

5. Project starts

Once we've agreed on all the details, we'll get started.

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